Mau Belajar Fotografi Dasar, tapi gak punya kamera ? Santaaaaaiii !

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Belajar Fotografi Dasar Online

The SLR controls:


Lighting is the single biggest determinant of how your camera needs to be set. With only a few exceptions, you can never have too much light. Use this slider to experiment with different indoor and outdoor lighting conditions.

Use this slider to simulate how close or far you are in relation to the subject.
Focal length

Moving this slider is the same as zooming in and out with your lens. A wide, zoomed out setting creates the greatest depth of field (more things are in focus) while zooming in creates a shallower depth-of-field (typically just the subject will be in focus).

The exposure modes of an SLR let you control one setting while the camera automatically adjusts the others. In Shutter Priority mode, you to set the shutter speed while the camera sets the aperture/f-stop. In Aperture Priority mode, you set the aperture/f-stop while the camera sets the shutter speed. Manual mode is fully manual—you’re on your own! Refer to the camera’s light meter to help get the proper exposure. Although every real SLR camera has a "fully automatic" mode, there is not one here—what’s the fun in that?

ISO refers to how sensitive the “film” will be to the incoming light when the picture is snapped. High ISO settings allow for faster shutter speeds in low light but introduce grain into the image. Low ISO settings produce the cleanest image but require lots of light. Generally, you will want to use the lowest ISO setting that your lighting will allow.

Aperture, or f-stop, refers to how big the hole will be for the light to pass through when the shutter is open and the picture is snapped. Lower f numbers correspond with larger holes. The important thing to remember is this: the higher the f number, the more things in front of and behind the subject will be in focus, but the more light you will need. The lower the f number, the more things in front of and behind the subject will be out of focus, and the less light you will need.
Shutter speed

Shutter speed is how long the shutter needs to be open, allowing light into the camera, to properly expose the image. Fast shutter speeds allow you to “freeze” the action in a photo, but require lots of light. Slower shutter speeds allow for shooting with less light but can cause motion blur in the image.

Happy simulating!

The Best Anti-Smoking Ads Ever!

Friday, 22 February 2013




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Daftar Blog TI02

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

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‘Harlem Shake’ fenomena terbaru dunia?

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

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Cerita Dibalik "Keberadaan" STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA

Prof. Dr. M.Suyanto, MM (Pendiri STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA)

Melihat kesuksesan seorang Prof Dr M. Suyanto,MM hingga saat ini kita tidak menyangka kalau sosok tersebut terlahir dari keluarga yg kurang mampu sejak kecil. Beliau mengikuti sang nenek dan pada masa sma beliau harus meninggalkan sang nenek yang  sangat dicintainya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan mengikuti pamannya. Sejak saat itu selalu berusaha untuk mandiri dari jual layang-layang sampai tutorial pelajaran kemandirian itupun terus berlanjut demi mencapai cita-citanya, bahkan beliau salah satu pendiri Lembaga Kursus Terbaik di Indonesia yaitu Primagama, bahkan pada tanggal 11 Oktober 1994 beliau mendirikan Perguruan tinggi STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA dengan biaya yang sangat "paspasan" bahkan Rumah kontrakan yg dipakai utuk perkuliahan di bayar beberapa bulan setelah bedirinya perguruan tinggi tersebut, . Dan ketika UGM Membuka program D3 Teknologi Informasi beliau tidak khawatir sedikitpun.






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